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Nova Flex


The Holtkötter Nova FLEX floor lamp emits its light indirectly via the ceiling washlight upwards onto the ceiling and, with the help of the flexible lamp arm, exactly where it is needed.

From 198 € free shipping in Germany

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Czas dostawy: 7 working days

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The Holtkötter Nova FLEX LED floor lamp emits light upwards as a ceiling floodlight. This 185 cm high luminaire also has a flexible reading arm with a swivelling luminaire head. The light from the ceiling floodlight and the lamp head on the reading arm can be continuously switched and dimmed separately using two touch dimmers on the lamp rod. The integrated memory function saves the last light setting when the luminaire is switched off and automatically restores it when it is switched on. The luminaire is available in anodised brass, black, platinum and matt aluminium. The flexible lamp arm is available in sand, red, blue, grey and black.


Więcej informacji
Kraj produkcji de Niemcy
producent Holtkoetter
projektant Holtkötter
napięcie przydatność 110 - 240 Volt
tworzywo metal
ściemnianie Dotknij ściemniacze światła na patyku
LED Łącznie
Wskaźnik oddawania barw >90
Temperatura barwowa w stopniach Kelvina 2.700 extra biała ciepła
długość ramienia 50 cm
świeczniku Wymiary ∅ 33 cm
Głowica lampy Wymiary 1 x ∅ 32 cm + 1 x ∅ 12 cm
wymiana żarówek: u producenta / w fabryce
wydajność systemu 1 x 48 + 1 x 19 Watt
Całkowity strumień świetlny w lm 8.700
Dimensions H 185 cm


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